I Got An I Heart Question Mark Written On The Back Of My Hand...


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Epic Fail, Seattle School Systems

In Usa Today for all to see. Check the dates on the sign, then compare to a calendar.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Things to Do this Week

  1. Have someone turn the bathroom light off when I'm on the toilet. Check.
  2. Have cereal bowl overflow and spill all over table/floor in dining hall. Check.
  3. Listen to philosophy professor curse and act like a crazy person. Check.
  4. While in philosophy, get called on to answer a question of which I do not know the answer, period. Check.
  5. Almost fall and die when getting off bed. Check.
  6. Schedule as many things as possible for Wednesday. Check.
  7. Freak out about teeth. Check.
  8. Make sure automatic paper towel dispenser in bathroom is broken. Lose temper and smack it. Hard. Check.
  9. Play with chunk of dog spine. Check.
  10. Have conversation with my mother about how she was torturing poor scary awkward kid. Check.
  11. Have laundry card machine not take $5 bill when needing $3-$4 for laundry and I only having 2 $1 bills on hand. Head over to convenience shop in the dorm next door in the pouring rain to buy something and get change for $5 bill, because laundry and detergent is already in washer. Do this in flipflops, because I am anticpating only going down to the laundry room. Check.
  12. Get 6 to 24 inches of snow in the next two days.
  13. Take math test.

Wow, I feel so accomplished this week!! Then only things I haven't done is take my math test, and the snow, which is really out of my control. Woo!

This post was slightly sarcastic, btw.

Friday, April 10, 2009

I Want This.


Because My Life Has Seemed Kind Of Craptastic Lately...

... I made a list.

Some Random Things That Make Me Happy

1. This stuffed sheep from Walmart. I might go get him for myself, when he's on sale after Easter... He wants to come home with me.
2. This thermos and mug from pylones-usa.com. I basically want everything off their site.

3. These pretty and exciting make-up cases from ulta.com. Just cause they're pretty and exciting.

4. Disney Cuties jewellry at Walmart. I love the Micky & Minnie one!

5. This tiny pocket mirror I got at the Nebraska State Fair a million years ago. It always makes me laugh.

6. These amazing ice cream cup cakes from Coldstone. I recommend you get some if you can, they are fabulous.

I'm off. Please be having a better life than I am :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ice Cream Cupcakes

I recommend that you go out and get some of these from Cold Stone ASAP because they are amazing, and made my shitty week much better. At least for the time it took to eat one...yum.

I <3 Cupcakes

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Extremely Frustrated...

I've been a slacker kid lately, because there seems to be a neverending string of either stuff I need to do or stuff going on... But now I am extremely frustrated...

I've been stressing about where I'm going to live next year, so I was looking at apartment stuff... After all of my searching and calculating, I was so proud I finally finished my intense spreadsheet. I sent it off to my dad to look over like he wanted, and I didn't get anything out of him about it until yesterday. I asked if he looked and he said, some. Then asked if I thought I was ready for such a big step. When I replied yes, he answered, "I'm going to bed. Nite nite." Not very helpful.

On Thursday a blizzard came through and dumped 8 inches of snow on us, closing down the school at noon... May sound good, but was really not, since I had already dragged my ass out of bed for my 11 oclock class, struggling through ankle deep snow to take a ridiculous test for a ridiculous class that everyone ended up cheating on anyways, because the prof left the room for 10 minutes during it. Friday was back to a normal schedule, at least they had the sidewalks partially scooped... I got my Martina cd, only exciting thing.

Sunday night our roof started leaking. AGAIN. We got over 6 quarts of water in 12 hours, even though they've had people up their twice to fix it. I remember after the first time, I told someone I had gotten a shower curtain and they asked if it was for our window... It should have been.

Today I stopped by the front desk to see if anyone had been up to look at our roof, since I had told them at 10:00 am monday and no one had come by 2, and the lady said all her maintenence staff had gone home for the day and she wasn't sure if they had looked at it yet. It was 3:30. There was some intense discussion in my philosophy class today because of the cheating... it was all we did today, 18 minutes of "what do you guys think I should do? I don't want to throw it out because that's not fair to those who didn't cheat," etc.

And my financial aid package was quite disappointing... I was all excited when I had an email this morning saying "Student Financial Services at Colorado State University is pleased to offer you financial aid for the 2009-2010 academic year," but when I checked there was basically nothing, just 'we're going to bury you in loans.' I'm basically giving up my first born to go to this school, it costs so much, and the school couldn't give me $500. The only reason I had a single scholarship in my financial aid award at all is because my GPA was good enough it got renewed. God forbid they give money to the out of state kids, no, let's just continuously jack up their tuition.

Sigh. Lots of frustrations. And nothing to distract me from them except for more school work...
45 days til the end of semester.

Today, I Heart Nothing.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I love girl time. So much. Tuesday was one of the best days ever. I don't know what I would do without Brittany and Katie. I heart you guys! And aren't you glad I put these up here? Next, Facebook!!

We found some FABULOUS clothes at Target. Not really.
Katie uses Vinny to clean her computer screen :)

"What are those?"
"Are they lost? Do they think that's the ocean?"
"Well, its been kind of dry lately..."

"We'll find you some chocolate scotty dogs, Alyssa."

"Sugar free. What bastards."

"Food! I mean... fun colored dishes that you put food on... see?"

"I... Love... (big pause) you."

"Air freshener with a hint of litter box. Also known as Passion Fruit Edward candy."

"I would not eat that; I just put my foot on it."

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

you put in your blog address and it makes a word collage with words from your blog posts. then you can play with all the different fonts, colors, and ways to orient the words. new procrastination skill.
i love how this has the time at the top

Saturday, March 7, 2009


So new post tomorrow? Sunday? Sometime next week?
One of those three.

Fabulous metallic purple cowboy boots, in all of their fabulous metallic-y glory:
And necklace I made myself. Kind of. I feel very accomplished.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I am NOT a slacker...

So tomorrow, new post... finally. Lots of pictures, should be fun.

And as proof that I am not a slacker:

"Alyssa Nicole Malone has submitted or saved the Colorado StateUniversity
Scholarship Application (CSUSA) for 2009-2010 on 3/01/2009at 10:59 PM.

You can return and update your CSUSA as often as you like until thesubmission
deadline of March 1, 2009 11:00 PM MST."


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Love, Love, Love

I have several new loves in my life.

One, my new cowboy boots. They're pink!!

Two, this ring from Tiffany's. Sadly, it will never be mine.

Three, this cardigan from Forever 21. I think I need it. Why did I move to yet another place with no Forever 21?

Anyways, on to my day. I've been a slacker kid on this, because I ended up sick with a stupid cold starting Sunday. I feel like when I really get a cold, it goes all out with a vengence. So I was basically super tired, dragging my ass around trying to force myself to study for the chem test I had last night. Exciting things happened, though, as always. The lady scanning IDs at the dining hall yelled at me for ducking under the rope when there was no one in line. Once again there were no spoons when I went to get lunch at the express dining place. That was inconvienient, considering I was on my way to class and needed to finish my refined model for chem lab during classes...

But I'm too tired to write more now. I have to do a little internet sleuthing and search for a phone case... I have to have it before March 12th or so, so it can come home with me for Spring Break. Which is in 24 days. Woo!


And I also

enjoy nice days

that allow me to

dress like this.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Apparently the Valentine Fairies Come at Night...

Right before I went to bed last night, I opened my door to go to the bathroom, and lo and behold there was a bag of candy on the door! Kind of an exciting discovery, really.

So last night my roommmate and I went to Confessions of a Shopaholic. And we thought it was pretty much FABULOUS. And I want a green scarf now... ha. We also saw some previews for some other movies we're gonna have to see in the future... and we still want to see He's Just Not That Into You. And it's pretty much the most exciting theatre ever, with the best music/trivia before the movie starts. Plus it's 2 or 3 bucks cheaper than the other theatre here.

So, my plans for today? Depending on the weather and temperature, and how motivated I feel, I might drag myself to Walmart for a sundress - woo! - or to the mall, and buy myself something for Valentine's Day. And then I might work on my refined model for chemistry. Cause I'm exciting like that.

And I'll finish the rest of this post later, because I am too hungry to right now.

Much love.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Alrighty. So, unattached or not, I love to read. And I'm a sucker for boys in books. Sometimes, boys in books are just better. So, in honor of Valentine's Day, here's part of my always growing, ever changing list of boys from books that I am madly in love with.

  • Edward Cullen, Twilight by Stephanie Meyer: Basically the best one, hands down. Now, if you don't like Twilight, that's cool. But for 99% of the female population, 'nuff said.
  • Rhett Butler, Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell: I heart him, pretty much. Scarlett needs to act smarter in the book... I'll take him.
  • Mr Darcy, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and Mr Rochester, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte: I think there's a special place in my heart for some of the boys from the classics.
  • Michael Moscovitch, Princess Diaries Series by Meg Cabot: He's a pretty realistic, down-to-earth character. And kinda nerdy in a lovable way. Plus the guy that plays him in the movie is pretty hot (just watched this movie yesterday, maybe that's how he ended up on here...)
A few of my more obscure crushes...

  • Jesse de Silva, Mediator Series by Meg Cabot: So, he's a ghost... Fantastic series, honestly. One of my very favorites. Only 6 books... you should give it a try. Plus he speaks spanish sometimes. Uber sexy. Haha.
  • Rosto the Piper, Terrier by Tamora Pierce: I should say, I read LOTS of genres. And Tamora Pierce is one of my favorite authors. Definitely a fantasy series, set in the time of kings and queens, with a little magic tossed in. But I love this book, and this character. Who wouldn't love the King of Thieves, especially with his sense of humor and being so easy on the eyes... in my mind at least. I'm impatiently waiting for book 2 of this series, it was pushed back from 2008 to January and now to April - gah.
  • Fang, The Year My Life went Down the Loo by Katie Maxwell: Brittany lent me this one over break, and I know there's more books but I haven't had a chance to read them yet. I wanna see what happens with him and the main character, he's so cute... Hee.

And by the way, I love book suggestions. I give basically anything a try. It's how I've found some of my favorites.

Have a lovely VDay.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I found the love...

In a million different dresses. Well, not quite that many, but a few. My newest obsession: the Le Sac dress by American Apparel. I've been cyberstalking it the last couple days. I kind of really want to play with one. I'm almost considering ordering one online... Who wouldn't love a dress that could be worn 60 million ways?

Also: Taylor Swift's sundresses at Walmart. I want basically all of them. Hopefully I'll be getting one this weekend, or next week sometime. The whole Lei spring line is here. Maybe it'll be an end of midterms present to myself, after my chemistry test...

Or maybe it'll just be a feel good gift for myself after the crappy day I had today. As if two tests weren't enough, I lost my ID. And since my new student ID is also my debit card now, you can see why this would be a problem. Luckily, I only have $15 in my account, because I have no money. Also, someone found it and called to tell me, and I got it back from them only a few hours later.

The bad part was that they got my home phone number. So twenty minutes before my next test is supposed to start, my mom calls. And when I answered, she just started screaming. Then she gave me the wrong number to call. Twice. There was a lot of unneeded drama and stress from this, so I was basically reduced to a shaking, crying mess 10 minutes before the test was supposed to begin. I really can't handle my mom's temper like that, with the intense screaming... So as I started my test, I was still shaking. It was already one that I was majorly stressing out over, and I had the harder part first, and she completely ruined my calm, I-can-do-this feeling. And I completely forgot the things I had just looked over, which of course the first question was about... yeah.
After my test, and getting my ID back, I talked to my mom again, who was all, "I'm sorry I freaked out" and such. "How did your test go?" Failed. "Fine..."
So I've been cheering myself up with truffle-making (at one of the dining halls), cyberstalking the dresses, finding some fun rain boots at Walmart, and watching Ace of Cakes.
Some more Taylor Swift lovelies...


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Where is the Love?

Events the last couple days have got me wondering...

Where is the love, great cosmic powers of the universe? Why do you hate me so? Haven't you heard that Black Eyed Peas song?

Yesterday, I had to go pick up a prescription at Walgreens. And since I don't have a car out here, I get to take the bus. Now that's all fine and dandy, usually (except when there's creepers... but that's another story). So yesterday, I gather all the things I need so as soon as I get out of my chemistry recitation, I can head straight to the bus stop. I was just in jeans, one of those zip up hoodies with the fur inside, and cute shoes (aka no socks) because that was fine for the temperature it was. After class, I come out of the building. And it's snowing. Just starting. But I had to go to Walgreens, I'd been putting it off since Saturday already. So I told myself, "It'll be fine." Famous last words.

After trekking over to the bus stop, I had to wait 15 minutes for the bus because of course they were running late. And in case you wondered, an opensided bus shelter/bench does not offer much protection from the snow. Finally, after sitting and watching the snow flakes get bigger and bigger, and come down faster and faster, the bus comes. I get to Walgreens with no mishaps. I fall in love with the Valentine's Day plush while waiting for my prescription. *Side Note: I really really want one of those giant stuffed dogs... hee* I talked myself out of buying any, mostly because I have no money. I'm down to my last couple bucks, no lie. So I got my prescription, waited for the bus to come (only a few minutes this time, thank god they were on time going back to campus), made it back to the edge of campus. I then proceded to walk the almost 6 blocks across campus to my dorm in the near blizzard that had descended upon us. During my trek, I realized my dorm window was open (because our dorm is always 6 million degrees). Luckily the snow was not coming down at the right angle to get in my window. I, however, did not have such luck. By the time I got up to my dorm room, the entire front of my jacket and front of my jeans were soaked because of the giant snow flakes that had plastered on them and then melted when I walked inside. I couldn't feel my toes, and my feet were all wet... All in all, it was great fun. *sarcasm* Luckily, I had thrown a scarf and gloves in my purse, because I thought my hands might get cold waiting for the bus... little did I know what was to come.

Today, the great cosmic powers apparently decided they were going to teach me a lesson about procrastinating. I got up this morning at 10... hey, I don't have class til 1. Can you blame me? And basically spent a lot of time slowly getting ready and looking at stuff online, even though I needed to finish my 'models' (lab reports only 10 times the pain in the ass). So about a quarter of 1, I gather my stuff to leave. Still an hour before class starts. I'm gonna grab some lunch from the express dining place and finish them before class. I go to the dining place, grab some cereal, applesauce, pudding... yum. And there's no spoons. So I had to drag myself back up the 3 flights of stairs to my dorm room for a freakin spoon. So by the time I eat, I barely made it to class on time. Once again, great fun.

Ok. Either more later, or tomorrow. Because I have two tests tomorrow I have to study for. That I'm going to fail.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


So, I have decided I want a dress. And I really really really want something plaid...

I kind of like these.
Magenta or Blue?

I'd really love to get the blue, with some blue patent heels? Great fun. Or pink ones to match the other...

PRINCE........is a sexy beast, haha.

If you've never listened to Prince, I feel you're really missing out on something. 80s popstar/musician. I blame my mom, because she was a big fan when she was my age, and whenever they play his songs on the radio, she blasts them and sings along... much to my dad's dismay. I, on the other hand, love it. His music always this cool funky beat, and is super catchy. And like 90% of the time, it's about sex. Like kind of hard to get innuendos, especially if you're like me and kind of dense about it sometimes. It's great. I think one of the things I love most about Prince, though, is that he never seemed to be afraid to offend people with his lyrics and music. From what I know, it was kind of frowned upon not only by older generations (understandably), but even by the music world (labels/producers/etc) at first. Plus he wore assless pants at an award show. Which makes you cool in my book.

I'm currently obsessed with older music, the majority of what I listen to right now is 80s/90s music, like old Christina Aguilera, INXS, Nelly, Usher, Def Leppard, of course Prince, and, one of my personal favorites, Will Smith. I must say that his songs "Miami" and "Gettin' Jiggy Wit It" hold a special place in my heart, because my sister and I knew every word when we were younger.
"You tryin' to flex on me?
Don't be silly.
Gettin' jiggy wit it"

More later.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Current Obsessions

Right now, even though I should mostly be concerned with the two exams I have this week and the one next week, a paper due in about two weeks, finding a job, figuring out where I'm going to live next year, and other important stuff like that, I have a few seemingly trivial things on my mind that I am obsessing over.

One: I am on the hunt for a cute pair of wedges. I want some sooo bad, and even though I have no money, I've been looking online. A LOT.

Two: Valentine's Day is Saturday. And I'm out here in Colorado by myself... Not really, but I'm from Nebraska and there's a guy back there... Nothing's official. But I am a little sad about being completely alone.

Three: I want the weather to warm up so i can start wearing my cute dresses I have out here, preferably not on a Wednesday though, because I have chemistry lab and they're uber strict about the dress code. But I really want to dress cuter...

Four: I really really really want to watch Pretty in Pink. And Sixteen Candles again. And a billion other movies, including Confessions of a Shopoholic and He's Just Not That Into You.

More to come.

I <3 ?

This is just gonna be a place for me to talk about whatever is on my mind, or that I'm currently obsessed with, be they things or people. Basically, anything will go.

I would love to hear anyone's comments or ideas on what i talk about, or suggestions about whatever.