I Got An I Heart Question Mark Written On The Back Of My Hand...


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Things to Do this Week

  1. Have someone turn the bathroom light off when I'm on the toilet. Check.
  2. Have cereal bowl overflow and spill all over table/floor in dining hall. Check.
  3. Listen to philosophy professor curse and act like a crazy person. Check.
  4. While in philosophy, get called on to answer a question of which I do not know the answer, period. Check.
  5. Almost fall and die when getting off bed. Check.
  6. Schedule as many things as possible for Wednesday. Check.
  7. Freak out about teeth. Check.
  8. Make sure automatic paper towel dispenser in bathroom is broken. Lose temper and smack it. Hard. Check.
  9. Play with chunk of dog spine. Check.
  10. Have conversation with my mother about how she was torturing poor scary awkward kid. Check.
  11. Have laundry card machine not take $5 bill when needing $3-$4 for laundry and I only having 2 $1 bills on hand. Head over to convenience shop in the dorm next door in the pouring rain to buy something and get change for $5 bill, because laundry and detergent is already in washer. Do this in flipflops, because I am anticpating only going down to the laundry room. Check.
  12. Get 6 to 24 inches of snow in the next two days.
  13. Take math test.

Wow, I feel so accomplished this week!! Then only things I haven't done is take my math test, and the snow, which is really out of my control. Woo!

This post was slightly sarcastic, btw.


brittymarie68 said...

i love you. you make me laugh. it's almost over. :) then summer, and you're back here.. where it USUALLY doesn't snow after april 5th. i say this because we got snow on the 4th. :) haha.

Katie said...

wow you get a lot done in a week.....

brittany is right though - it's almost over!!!! : )

and...... it's good to be sarcastic sometimes!!